Been a year and need to shift the bulge!!!

Well…Glad to say that I have not piled on the weight again or anything but I’ve certainly toned down a bit compared to the unusually svelte me that went to Spain last year. I still do the Tracy Anderson Post Pregnancy DVD 4 weeks up to an ocassion. (I’m a real fair weather fitness fiend! If I’m not trying to fit in a dress or wear a bikini – my heart’s simply not in it!). I learned a lot while slimming down last year.

  • Really restrictive fad diets just make  you think about food even more and they are not sustainable. When choosing a diet programme, I’d advise something like South Beach which starts with a shock to your system but eases off gradually so that you can have a slice of brown bread or a pitta before you start to hear voices in your head and start smelling your buddies’ dinner as I did with the Tracey Anderson Diet!
  • Walking is probably the most convenient cardio for a housewife or a working person as you can fit it around your day. If you can fit in a mat routine three or four times a week, you’re doing better than most people. Leave the hardcore stuff ’til three or four weeks before an event. That’s as much as most people can do fitness wise unless they’re super motivated.
  • Don’t freak out if you have put on 3-5 pounds and didn’t deserve to. You’re most likely due a period.
  • Your clothes are your most reliable weighing scales. Curves are stunning. Healthy weightloss is a super antidepressant when you don’t obsess about it.
  • Blogging about your progress really keeps you on track.

So my latest challenge is a 50 mile/75km walk for charity. I’m really buzzed about it and hope to raise lots of money while getting some fresh air and exercise in Dingle, Co.Kerry – one of the most beautiful places in the world. Will keep all informed and stay tuned for the bikini countdown 🙂

Alas, an update!

Hi all! I’m so sorry. Went off on my hols and came back to a bit of a family emergency but it is all sorted now. I’m very disorganised as I left my camera charger in Spain but my brother is bringing it home in the next few weeks so will have plenty candid pics to post. Would’ve taken phone pics this week but after a week on bread rolls and paella, I don’t think they would reflect how I looked the week before. Believe it or not I packed on well over a half a stone in ten days which actually doesn’t surprise me one bit considering some of the whacky diets I tried. They really are just a temporary fix. However, from the time I started the blog back in Mid March up to the holidays last week I did manage to shed a whopping 20lbs and I lost inches everywhere. Even though I fell off the wagon last week, my body looks entirely different.

Even better news – since coming back and all but having a stroke after stepping on the scales (and moving it to about 10 different places and removing my knickers to see if that made a difference) I decided not to attack the sangria stomach with another nazi diet. I took the sensible approach and decided to merely cut out the junk food and try to stick to the South Beach Diet….and this time, I’ve allowed myself to move straight into phase 2 (which allows a healthy amount of good carbs and fruit) and I’m feeling super. I also (through necessity because its easiest with kids) started doing stair running again this week and just got a few uplifting tunes on my ipod to make it less monotonous. Stepped on the scales this morning and to my delight, I have lost 4 pounds in 5 days! I think if you can attack that holiday weight asap it is easier to shed…It hasn’t had a chance to set up camp and multiply yet. I’m feeling really great. My plan is to stick to the healthy diet, do 15 mins stair running, walk the dog for 45 mins a day and do Tracy Andersons Post Preggers DVD 3 or 4 times a week because to be honest – my tummy is my biggest concern. Everything else gets smaller with a walk. If it is raining, I have a library or cardio DVDs to select from! I think the leg exercises in the TA’s post pregnancy workout are fan anyway. My thighs have never been as thin as they are now. As for my ass, I’ve just thrown the towel in. The rest of me could shrink the the size of a wood louse but I’d still have an arse as big as Britain…I’m just rolling with it now. JLO and Kim Kardashian are my 2 new diet idols…no point in looking up to Gwyneth or Emily Watson, it ain’t ever gonna happen. Anyway this is me signing off for today. I will post pics as soon as I have them and if it that takes more than a week, I’ll take new ones. Should have the tyre shifted by then. Will also post details of new healthy eating plan and let you know how the weightloss is going regularly now I’m back. This is only the beginning people!

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